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Unlocking High Returns through Fractional Property Investment

Fractional investing allows multiple investors to collectively invest in a real estate project. In the case of debt secured real estate investment, investors pool their funds to provide a loan to a real estate developer or project, with the loan being secured by the property itself.

When you participate in fractional investing through debt secured real estate, you're essentially lending money to a real estate project alongside other investors. The loan is secured by the property, providing a level of security for your investment. As the project generates returns, you receive a portion of the interest payments.

Diversification: Fractional investing allows you to spread your investment across multiple real estate projects, reducing risk.
- Passive Income: Earn regular interest payments as the real estate project generates income.
- Access to Real Estate Market: Participate in real estate investments with lower capital requirements compared to buying a property outright.
- Asset-Backed Security: Your investment is backed by the property itself, providing a level of security.

Investment timeframes can vary depending on the specific project.

Projects have loans with durations up to 2 years

The minimum amount you can invest in fractional real estate projects is INR 10 Lakhs.

Fractional investing in debt secured real estate can be a good fit for investors looking to diversify their portfolios with real estate assets without the responsibilities of property management.


To begin fractional investing, you typically need to sign up with Smart Invest platform that offers such investment opportunities. Once registered, you can browse available projects, review their details, and make investment decisions based on your preferences.

Investors with access to dashboard can track their investments' performance, view interest payments, and monitor the status of each project.

Investment platforms may charge fees such as origination fees, servicing fees, or platform fees. These fees can vary, so it's essential to review the fee structure of each platform before investing.

Returns from fractional investing in debt secured real estate typically come in the form of regular interest payments. These payments are distributed to investors based on their proportionate share of the investment.

Your investment in debt secured real estate is backed by the property itself. In the event of default, the property can be sold to recover investors' funds.

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